Wednesday 27 June 2012

One Amazing Visit

Today the group had an amzing VIP visit from Kevin Mclernon Biggest Loser Winner 2012. Through the power of Social Media aka Twitter I had been personally inspired by Kevins story of success and wanted him to share his story with our group

From a rainy windy and wet Falkirk High Train station I met Kevin off the train and almost immediately we  continued our conversation around life and how one tweet can can change outlook and bring people together from as far a field as Scotland and Sunderland.

Kevin met with group and shared his own story immediately connecting on so many levels with our young people.

His story was very personal and from the heart and he delivered it passionately and clearly to the group we broke for lunch and when we returned we continued the conversation and look at realistic goal setting and Kevin supported our young people to look at setting there own goals and again through his personal approach really made an impact on the young people present.

By the end of the day Kevin had made such a positive impact that one of the young people stated that she did not want him to leave.

An amazing day and I warmly recommend you book Kevin and recommend him for your group, company or organisation as you will be postively affected by Kevin's honesty, clarity, passion and can do belief "If He Can You Can "

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